at Stanton Road Primary School
If learners are to get the greatest benefit from their education in school, it is important that they have good attendance and arrive punctually. As learners grow and prepare for their next stages of education and employment they need to see good attendance and punctuality as important qualities that are valued by others and employers. At Stanton Road Primary School, we will do all that we can to encourage good attendance and punctuality. Where learners are not conforming to our high expectations for attendance and punctuality we will put into place effective strategies to bring about improvement.
We discourage parents from withdrawing their children from school during term time. Amendments to the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulation 2006 removed references to family holiday and extended leave. The amendments make clear that headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.
If leave of absence is required due to possible exceptional circumstances parents must complete an “Application for Leave During Term Time” form.
The form must be returned to school at least 2 weeks in advance of the proposed leave and before committing to any expense. School will inform parents in writing of the decision for authorised/unauthorised within 1 week of receiving the application.
A few days absence can have a significant effect on your child’s academic progress.
100% = excellent attendance
95-97% = satisfactory attendance - up to 9 days absence.
94-90% - Below average attendance - 14-18 days absence. For attendance of 94% and below, parents will receive a letter about their child’s attendance.
90% or below - exceptionally low attendance - 19 days or more absence. Pupils with attendance of 90% or below are classed, under Government guidelines, as persistently absent from school and parents of pupils with this level of attendance may be called into school to meet with the Headteacher.
At Stanton Road Primary School, we promote the importance of punctuality and ask parents to make every effort to get children to school on time. Our doors open at 8.50am and learning starts as soon as children enter the classroom. Our doors close at 9am so we ask that your child arrives between these times. If your child arrives after 9am then they will need to signed in at the office. For children who persistently arrive after 9am, parents, will receive a letter to discuss how we can support them to ensure their child arrives on time.
Please make sure your child is in school and on time everyday unless ill. All attendance is monitored regularly. Attendance below 90% may trigger the involvement of other agencies. Please do not hesitate to let us know if there is anything we can do to support you in getting your child to school everyday. Please contact our school office to let us know if your child is going to be absent due to illness. Failure to do this could result in an unauthorised absence.
You can either telephone the school office or email: schooloffice@stantonroad.wirral.sch.uk
If we do not hear from you, the school office will contact you as part of our safeguarding procedures.