Year 1/2
Welcome to Year 1 and Year 2 (Key Stage 1)
Teaching staff
Year 1/2H- Miss Hayes Year 1/2M - Mrs McMillan/ Miss Hargreaves Year 1/2JH- Miss Jones/ Miss Hargreaves
Staff covering PPA and release time – Mr Barwise/ Mrs Worthington/ Mrs Lewin
Teaching Assistants – Mrs Worthington, Mrs Lewin
In Key Stage 1, we ensure that all our pupils receive a purposeful learning experience, developing vocabulary, skills and knowledge through our curriculum. It is our intention to immerse pupils in the wonders of quality texts to instil a love for reading, a passion for discovery and confidence to explore their imagination. Mathematical knowledge and skills will be developed through practical and real-life experiences, encouraging children to use reasoning and problem-solving skills. Meaningful learning will take place through visits, visitors and the use of technology.
Our engaging activities in all curriculum areas will enable children to develop further independence, cooperation and resilience.
Autumn Spelling Maps
Year 1
Year 2
Daily phonics sessions following Read Write Inc will take place to ensure children become accurate, confident successful readers. Reading books closely matched to children’s phonics ability will be sent home each week on a Monday to be returned to school on a Friday.
Common Exception Words
Common exception words are words where the usual spelling rule doesn't apply. As children come across unfamiliar spelling and sound patterns in tricky words, their phonics knowledge won't always help them to sound out and read the word. Some of these exception words are used frequently, so children are introduced to common exception words in Year 1 and Year 2.
Children are expected to learn to read and spell these common exception words by the end of their respective academic year. These common exception words will be practised regularly in school. Please also take time to regularly go over these words with your child at home. All common exception words have been allocated to your child on Spelling Frame in games mode for regular practice.
In Mathematics we follow Power Maths. Below is a copy of our calculation policy which shows you how we teach calculations within Key Stage One. There is also a powerpoint explaining what Power Maths is.
Home Learning
English tasks/ Spellings will be set on a Monday to be completed by Friday. Spelling checks will take place on Friday.
Reading books will be collected in on the allocated day as outlined in your child’s reading record.
Mathletics tasks will be set on a Friday, to be completed by the following Thursday.
Materials to support learning at home
Statutory Assessments
At the end of Year 1, pupils complete a Phonics Skills Check. We follow Read Write Inc as our Phonics programme and half termly assessments are completed to ensure the children are fully exposed to all sounds and a combination of real words and pseudo words, known to the children as alien words. More information and materials can be found here: National Curriculum Assessment Practice Materials.
At the end of Year 2, pupils are required to complete Statutory Assessments in Reading and Mathematics. The tests are designed to support teachers’ judgement on whether pupils have reached the expected standard. The tests are completed during the month of May each academic year. You can view sample test papers and other related documents here: National Curriculum Assessment Practice Materials. Children are also assessed by teachers in Writing and Science.