Year 5/6
Welcome to Year 5 and Year 6 (Upper Key Stage 2)
Teaching staff
Year 5/6 K- Mr Kennedy Year 5/6 Pi- Miss Piercy Year 5/6 Pu- Miss Purslow
Staff covering PPA and release time – Mrs Johnson/ Mr Barwise/ Mrs Worthington
Teaching Assistants – Mrs Dodd, Mrs Laddle, Mrs Wakefield
In Years 5 and 6, children continue developing from and building on all they have achieved in Lower Key Stage Two Key. We ensure that all our pupils receive a purposeful learning experience, developing vocabulary, skills and knowledge through our curriculum.
In English, we read books by a variety of authors, exploring different genres and celebrating the diversity of the work. It is our intention to immerse pupils in the wonders of quality texts developing vocabulary by exploring archaic and resistant texts.
Mathematical knowledge and skills will be developed though practical and real-life experiences, encouraging children to use reasoning and problem-solving skills. Our lessons provide children with opportunities to explore and investigate mathematics, finding and explaining different methods and solutions using mathematical terminology. Meaningful learning will take place through visits, visitors and the use of technology.
Our engaging activities in all curriculum areas will enable children to develop further independence, cooperation and resilience in preparation for life beyond Stanton Road. There are a range of opportunities, roles, responsibilities and sporting events for children to take part in to further develop self-awareness and independence and reach personal goals.
Children in UKS2 are seen as role models and younger children look up to them to show the way. It is important to us that we model good behaviour all around the school.
Spelling Maps
To promote our love of reading, in Year 5 and 6 we offer a selection of specially chosen texts in our ‘Starbooks’ reading programme. These texts have been carefully selected to encompass a range of text types.
Children can earn loyalty points for reading these books and completing book reviews. Once they have earned 5 points, children will get a sweet treat from our kitchen. Once 10 points, have been earned, our pupils will be rewarded with a delicious hot chocolate at our Starbooks cafe!
In Mathematics we follow Power Maths. Below is a copy of our calculation policy which shows you how we teach calculations within Upper Key Stage Two. There is also a powerpoint explaining what Power Maths is.
Home Learning
Homework diaries are used to communicate learning tasks. Children write their homework tasks in their diary every Monday, the tasks should be completed and the diary signed by parents and returned to school each Friday. Mathletics tasks and a Times Table Rockstars battle will be set weekly. Spelling lists are uploaded on a Monday (Spellingframe) and spelling checks will take place on Friday. We encourage children to read daily at home for 15-20 minutes. and record this in their reading records. At least one Bugclub online session should be completed weekly
Materials to support learning at home
Statutory Assessments
At the end of Year 6 pupils are required to complete Statutory Assessments in Reading, Mathematics and SPaG (spelling punctuation and grammar) The Tests are designed to confirm whether pupils have reached the expected standard. You can view sample test papers and other related documents here: National Curriculum Assessment Practice Materials. Children are also assessed by teachers in Writing and Science. In writing, children can also be assessed as having reached greater depth standard or assessed to be working towards the expected standard.
Secondary School Admissions
Our Year 6 children go on to attend a range of schools across Wirral and Cheshire. All secondary schools hold open evenings/sessions for children to experience what the school would be like to attend. We strongly recommend pupils in Year 5 participate in these sessions.
Secondary school staff also meet Stanton Road pupils during the Summer term to gather transition information from the teachers so that they have a smooth start to their secondary education.